Thunderbolt in a Classic Mac Pro
Yes, Virginia, it's possible to run a Thunderbolt-3 card in a Classic Mac Pro...
Homemade Hybrid Disk Drives - Pt 3
Something old, something new, something fast, nothing blew. Whew!
Homemade Hybrid Disk Drives - Pt 2
A little hybrid, a little fusion; a digital chimera emerges.
Homemade Hybrid Disk Drives - Pt 1
Sometimes it’s better to bake it yourself. Here’s the introduction to the problem, and the beginning of the solution.
Triple Bypass Part-2
The core set of measurements of a Midas DL151, Audient ASP800, and the X32
New Wine in Old Wineskins
A 4.7 Terabyte Fusion Drive combining an SSD and a RAID-0 array.
The Pain in the Gain
All preamps provide gain, but it comes at a price that we'd rather not pay
Part-6 & Part-7 of the Line X32 series (a double feature)
Peregrinations about Preamps
A meandering trip through some thoughts on preamp design
Part-5 of the Line X32 series
Et Cumulus ex Cirrus
A bevy of graphs that compare the Cirrus Logic converters in several products, and reference a benchmark device.
Part-4 of the Line X32 series
Graphs and Corruption
The results of 0 gains displayed in a convenient fashion.
Part-3 of the Line X32 series.

Stacking the Tracks
What happens when you use a whole bunch of the X32 preamp channels at 0dB gain?
Part-2 of the Line X32 series.
Gain Staging the Behringer X32
Using the Behringer X32 as a line level digital mixer is a very viable way to enjoy the benefits of digital processing along with the gorgeous sound of old school preamps.
Part-1 of the Line X32 series.
RAID is Soft and Hard
The Redundant Array of Independent Disks has a hard and soft side to it.
Part 4 of 5
Out of the Woods
Our intrepid explorer emerges from the depths of the tech jungle, and finds a surprise.
Part 3 of 5
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